Thursday, September 04, 2008

Birthday Post

Since my birthday is in the middle of the work week, I have nothing thoughtful to share.
But in typical me-fashion, I'll add a few tidbits: witty, deep, and random:

Witty - hmm. wait. Its still the middle of the week. wittiness between 8-5, m-f...instead I will tell you about a "get well card" that Ty bought this week that cracks us both up:
A cartoon guy is sitting in the middle of a brown river in a row boat. He says, this river sure stinks, and I can't find my paddle. of you may recieve this card someday. Hope it makes you laugh too, despite whatever shit creek you are floating in at the time.

Deep - I did have this revelation at around 1130pm on my last night of being 28: In business, the whole point is to do one thing over and over until you are so good and efficient at it, that people would rather pay you to do it than do it themselves. Given that I really love learning, puzzles, and challenges, the business world is ultimately never going to be able to satisfy me. Huh. Now what?

Random - I love flamenco. The music, the dance, and the great outfits. It's like tap on ecstasy in the Vogue dressing rooms..although that's probably an insulting analogy to make. Here is a great flamenco video - I don't know yet how to embed it so you'll have to paste the link, old-school style.

I like the opening shot where the women are reduced to sillouhettes, and then you see the colors and movements build up, and it moves to one central dancing figure in the end. Its like watching the sunrise. deep+random = two out of three....there are more insulting analogies I could make about flamenco, but that's for another post not in the middle of the week.

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